The menstrual cycle is a monthly process of removing blood and tissue from the uterus, which normally begins before puberty and ends at menopause. It is not only a biological process but also a social one and has great social and economic consequences for all women. However, it should be noted that many adolescent girls and women do not have access to the right scientific facts and hygiene practices during the menstrual cycle, which can lead to adverse health consequences.
Poor menstrual hygiene can have a serious impact not only on physical and mental health. Understanding how your period works, why it occurs when it is expected, and how to manage it are all important factors needed to manage your menstrual cycle. Knowing that there are reliable and hygienic solutions for recording or collecting the menstrual cycle during the menstrual cycle, women can do what they are used to when not menstruating.
Here are some of the important habits you need to know to maintain good hygiene during menstruation:
Keeping the pad on for a long duration:
If you are active during the day, your period tends to be stronger, so the pad absorbs a lot of blood, sweat and sebum. This creates a breeding ground for bacteria, so it is advisable not to wear a pillow for more than four hours a day. However, if you sleep, your body’s function will slow down and your bleeding level will decrease, so you can wear the pad safely all night.
Wash properly:
Blood creates a favorable environment for bacteria to bloom during the menstrual cycle, so it is recommended to wash your genitals at least twice a day. The organisms stick to your body even after you have removed the sanitary napkin. However, do not wash your vagina and vulva too much, as you may lose your pH balance, making you more susceptible to yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis.
Track your period regularly:
Don’t avoid tracking your period. Your menstrual cycle is an important indicator of your overall health.
Don’t use scented products:
The vagina is a self-cleaning organ. It is important to preserve their natural flora and the use of regular soap or even specific cosmetics for intimate hygiene can interfere with them. Ideally, you should wash your genital area with warm, soap-free water. Deodorant and feminine hygiene spray can cause vaginitis (symptoms include itching, redness and abnormally strong vaginal discharge). However, you can use wet wipes or wash your genitals with water.
Disposal of used Sanitary Napkins:
Improper removal of used napkins is a huge risk for you and your surroundings during the menstrual cycle. Cover it well before throwing it out to make sure there is an odor and an infection. Do not flush the toilet or swab, as this may cause the toilet to clog and leak.